AL Design Know About Concrete Construction

Know About Concrete Construction

Know About Concrete Construction

What comes to your mind the first time you hear the word concrete? Surely not far from construction, right? Knowing what concrete is is indeed an important thing. As is well known, the use of concrete as a building material or construction material is commonly used. Good for residential houses, multi-storey buildings, and various other infrastructure.

Let’s Get to Know What is Concrete

The definition of concrete is a construction material that is now widely used. Various kinds of buildings have used concrete materials. The importance of construction demands adequate quality. Concrete becomes important considering its function as a structure-forming tool that is most widely used by the community.

The use of concrete is widely used because it has various advantages as a construction material. Knowing what concrete is, its advantages and disadvantages are important for you to know. So that you can take advantage of the use of concrete in building construction as best as possible.

The types of concrete that can be used in building construction also vary. There are lightweight concrete, cyclone concrete, non-sand concrete, reinforced concrete, hollow concrete, precast concrete, prestressed concrete, and many others. However, The maximum not unusualplace shape of concrete is Portland cement concrete which includes mineral aggregates along with sand and gravel, in addition to a combination of cement and water.

Advantages of Using Concrete

There are several advantages of concrete when compared to other construction materials. Currently, concrete is one of the most widely used consumable materials in building structures because it has several advantages. As available in various kinds of concrete qualities that can be selected according to the needs of the building structure.

Concrete is also a material with high strength, durability, durability, and properties to resist rust and decay from environmental conditions. If made properly, the compressive strength can be the same as natural stone.

When it comes to making concrete, the raw material is relatively easy to obtain. Concrete is also fire resistant and has good resistance at high temperatures. So that the maintenance costs are low. The use of concrete as a construction material will be more economical than steel. Concrete may be forged at the spot. Fresh concrete can be pumped so that it will allow it to be poured in difficult places.

Disadvantages of Concrete

In addition to recognizing the advantages of concrete, you also need to know the weaknesses of concrete. Concrete has low tensile strength so it is prone to cracks. So that reinforcing steel must be added to resist the tensile force. Concrete is also difficult to completely impermeable, so that water can enter and carry salt content that can damage the concrete. Therefore, to obtain a perfectly watertight rock, it is necessary to do careful work.

The final quality of working concrete will be influenced by the quality of the concrete itself, as well as the process of implementing the casting. Therefore, knowing what concrete is, its characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages are very important when you are going to use concrete in building construction.

In this case, the important role of a professional and experienced concrete contractor is indispensable. They do planning, research, calculation, testing, and find the right solution to create perfect results so that no big problems occur later on.