What Are the Four Types of Docks?

When you have a boat, you need a dock to keep it at. You probably want to be out on the water as much as possible, but when life demands your attention elsewhere, you want to be sure your boat is secure at a dock.

If you have the opportunity to build your own dock, then it is essential that you consider what would be the perfect choice for your boat, the location, and your needs.

Four Types

According to Cottage Life, you have four basic types of docks from which to choose:

  • Lift up
  • Floating
  • Permanent
  • Pipe

Lift Up

Lift up docks work wonderfully if your water will freeze in the winter. You can raise them as needed. They come in L and T forms, and they require a firm bottom in the water.


Floating docks work well in muddy areas where you won’t be able to get a suitable foundation for the legs. They aren’t so good in waters that are choppy or have lots of waves because they will move around too much to be useful. They do work fine in frozen waters, but they will need a secure attachment at the shoreline.


Permanent docks are what you probably think about when it comes to Florida marine construction. They are stable and require little maintenance or care once you put them in place. They can work in many areas regardless of water conditions. However, they are not ideal if you see extensive ice or freezing as they will not withstand the pressure.


Pipe docks are similar to permanent docks except you remove them for the winter. They come in different sizes and shapes. They so well in many water conditions, but do require a firm bottom in the water for installation.

Final Choice

You need to consider the four options and think about your needs. Weather conditions and the lake bed will often play a large role in making your final choice.