AL Music Understanding Blogs

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Things You Can Do to Conserve Forests

Trees are essential in life. They help you in various ways and you cannot live without them. Trees clean the air. They take in the carbon dioxide you breath out and they release oxygen into the air. You cannot live without oxygen. Your blood needs oxygen so that it carries out its functions properly. Too much carbon dioxide or other gases in your blood is harmful. You need oxygen for oxidation so that you get energy in your body to carry out other activities. Trees are also helpful in bringing rain through a process of respiration. They release moisture to the atmosphere which is essential on forming clouds for rain. As you are aware, rain is essential in life. The water is used to drink, cook, wash, do agricultural activities, among other things. Deserts have no water because they do not have trees that can bring rain. Trees are also essential in holding the soil together. Without trees, soil is loose and can easily be eroded by running water. The top soil is the one that has nutrients, and if it is washed away, plants cannot grow healthy. Trees are the habitats of various animals. Trees also provide food to wild animals who eat their fruits, leaves, stems, roots, among other parts. If there are no trees, most of these animals cannot survive. It is, therefore, true that if you conserve trees, you are conserving nature, both the flora and the fauna because animals will also love peacefully. You should do the following to conserve forests and all trees that are planted.

Do not cut down trees in a natural forest. If you cut down any tress you are supposed to replace with two trees of a similar kind. As you are aware, most trees take time to grow tall. It is also true that you need wood to make furniture, fences, and other things. You should not cut all the trees in a natural forest. You will be disrupting nature. The best thing for you to do will be to plant trees for such purpose in your own land. You should not cut forest trees to make charcoal for sale. You need to plant your own trees which you will cut and replace for such purpose.

Forests can also be conserved if no one starts fires carelessly especially during the sunny season. Do not smoke in forests. You should not throw any the cigarette remains in the forest because they are responsible for starting huge forest fires. It is also essential if you do not burn charcoal inside the forest. Fires can destroy the entire forest. You would have killed wild animals, destroyed their habitats, and ruined a water catchment area.

Forests can also be conserved if people are made aware of their importance. They should know that they cannot live without trees. The course should also be taught in schools so that children grow up knowing it is a bad thing to cut down trees and destroy forests. Schools should also teach children to plant and take care of trees.

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